Friday, 25 April 2008

Sony and it's "Eye-Toy"

The EyeToy is a color digital camera device, similar to a webcam, for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. The technology uses computer vision to process images taken by the camera. This allows players to interact with games using motion, color detection and also sound, through its in-built microphone.
Augmented virtuality (AV) (also referred to as Mixed reality) refers to the merging of real world objects into virtual worlds.
As an intermediate case in the
Virtuality Continuum, it refers to predominantly virtual spaces, where physical elements, e.g. physical objects or people, are dynamically integrated into, and can interact with the virtual world in real-time. This integration is achieved with the use of various techniques. Often streaming video from physical spaces, e.g. via webcam, , or using 3-dimensional digitalisation of physical objects.

Obesity and Video games

The year-long study, run by Nottingham Trent University, will look at how action-orientated games could encourage physical activity.
The results will be used to design games to encourage exercise in children, said researchers.
The study, of 40 children aged seven to 12, will also investigate if games affect psychological wellbeing.
The study was launched at the start of GameCity, a new annual computer games festival in Nottingham.
"There are now a number of action-orientated video games on the market for children including Sony's EyeToy and Nintendo's Dancemat," said Dr Richard Wood, who is running the study.
'Practical suggestions'
"They promote physical activity amongst players as opposed to traditional videogames which are sedentary," he said.
"This project will examine whether action-orientated videogames can be effective in terms of encouraging physical activity amongst obese children."
The study will try to determine the level of physical exertion required to undertake selected games.
Participants will also be interviewed and asked to rate the games in terms of enjoyment.
"Once we have the results, we will then develop practical suggestions as to how games can be designed to encourage physical activity in children," Dr Wood added.
Dr Dilip Nathan, consultant paediatrician at Nottingham University's Hospital Trust which is involved in the study, said: "We may be able to unlock some important findings as to how these games could be developed in the future to promote physical activity."
This article reviewed on is about 2-4 years old. It just goes to show that game developers and companies are trying to develop their more movement oriented games.
Eye-toy by playstation is now a series with about 4 sequels, and different variations of the original game. This goes to show that it is not just Nintendo that have undertaken the task of developing "healthier games."

Gaming binge 'The new addiction?'

After research i have found several reports that have arisen over the internet and on the news. They are reports of players setting out on a 'gaming binge,' and playing computer games over the duration of hours and even days.

With online games sporting huge numbers of online players like "World of Warcraft," these internet phenomenons are becoming profound for their addictivness.

This article from the guardian tells the story of a man who played the game for 3 days straight and as a result dropped dead. Although this is a rare and extreme case, it goes to show the effect that the gaming industry is starting to have as the quality and technology gets better over time.

"A Chinese man dropped dead after a three-day internet gaming session, state media reported today.
The man, reportedly around 30 years old, from the southern city of Guangzhou, died on Saturday after being rushed to hospital from an internet cafe, according to local officials quoted by the Beijing News.
The newspaper said exhaustion was the most likely cause and "police have ruled out the possibility of suicide".
It did not say what game the man had been playing.
The Chinese government is trying to wean internet addicts offline and restrict access to certain content. This year, it has banned the opening of new internet cafes, and orders have been issued limiting the time internet users can spend gaming online."

The article is a prime example, of how the gaming industry needs to encourage the exercise of players and breaks from playing. A line from reality and gaming needs to be made as some players take gaming a bit too far. In my personal opinion.

"It would get to the point where I couldn't play and pass school at the same time," he says. "I would have to completely uninstall the games from my computer and spend about three weeks catching up."

What is Wii Fit?

This review is taken from it is a review of the recently released hardware piece for the nintendo Wii, entitled Wii Fit. It is a balance board that measures players weight and movement to interact within the game. It is possible that the Wii fit could initialize the movement towards healthier gaming.

"Not content with making us smarter, Nintendo is now aiming for our collective wobbly bits. Wii Fit is a nifty fitness board - about the size of a large pair of scales - that connects wirelessly to your Wii console. Step on and the game tells you your weight, body mass index (BMI) and, after a couple of balance tests, your Wii Fit "age". And then the fun really starts. Players can choose from muscle, cardio, balance and yoga events. Think press-ups, lunges and warrior poses. An on-screen instructor helps out and the whole thing feels welcoming. There are games, too. Hula Hoop is easy to play and perfect for parties. Ski-jump - bend knees, lift heels - is more imprecise but amusing enough. The tightrope balance test is also rather addictive. The jogging, which takes place off the mat and has you sticking the Wiimote in your pocket, is a little gimmicky. Don't ditch that gym membership just yet, but Wii Fit is far more than just a game. "

Exergames/Virtually fit

The guardian recently posted an article on exergames/virtually fit games. They have only recently come into existence as a genre of gaming due to the Nintendo Wii. The first majorly successful interactive and commercial exergame. The link is shown below.

In my opinion games such as Wii fit, that are fun and interactive but also increase movement, are proven to a lot more healthy. Other consoles only require players to use there hands and fingers, sitting down a lot for long durations of time can result in major health issues. Due to the addictvness of games it is essential that players regularly take breaks, so regularly moving about with the Wii helps renforcethis.

"If we deny children access to all computer games, we deprive them of a rich and magical experience
It's true that Grand Theft Auto contains violence and misogyny. So does The Godfather. So, for that matter, does The Iliad"

Saturday, 19 April 2008

How has it been recieved so far?

Nintendo Wii Technology (Wikipedia)

-The Wii console is backward compatible with all official Nintendo GameCube software, as well as Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards and controllers. Compatibility with software is achieved with the slot-loading drive's ability to accept Nintendo GameCube Game Discs. The console supports progressive-scan output in 480p-enabled GameCube titles. Peripherals can be connected via a set of four GameCube controller ports and two Memory Card slots concealed by removable flip-open panels.
-The Wii Menu operating system interface is designed around the concept of television channels.
-The Wii system supports wireless connectivity with the Nintendo DS without any additional accessories.
-The Wii console is able to connect to the Internet through its built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi or through a USB-to-Ethernet adapter, with both methods allowing players to access the established Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service.
-The console features parental controls, which can be used to prohibit younger users from playing games with content considered unsuitable for their age level.
Up to four Wii Remote controllers (connected wirelessly via Bluetooth)
Nintendo GameCube controller ports (4)
Nintendo GameCube Memory Card slots (2)
SD memory card slot
USB 2.0 ports (2)
Sensor Bar power port
Accessory port on bottom of Wii Remote
Optional USB keyboard input in message board, Wii Shop Channel, and the Internet Channel (as of 3.0 and 3.1 firmware update)[64]
Mitsumi DWM-W004 WiFi 802.11b/g wireless module[65]
Compatible with optional USB 2.0 to Ethernet LAN adaptor
Multi-output port for component, composite or S-Video


The Nintendo Wii franchise considers itself such a unique gaming console as it is labelled a console that "brings family and friends together" it is said to be the first games console that appeals to all audiences. This can benefit the gaming industry as it draws more attraction to the growing media market.
"To truly understand how Wii revolutionizes gaming, you have to try it for yourself. Quite simply, Wii is for everyone. The ease of use and interactivity of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk allows for a unique social gaming experience for the whole family. You don't just play Wii, you experience it."

Nintendo recently launched the Wii fit campaign, this is an add-on to the current nintendo Wii. It requires more hardware, but requires you to use your whole body to control the game.

The leading developer/creator off Wii fit-Well, it does feel good to be active. I also think there are some psychological benefits from becoming absorbed in doing something. I used to play pachinko3 many years ago, but that stopped when I started swimming. Simply swimming without thinking about anything except how demanding it was had a similar effect to the stress relief I got from pachinko, which enabled me to escape the cycle of worries I had.

He renforces the positive notion of active gaming.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

John Naughton-The age of permanent net revolution

Answers to questions:

1-What is endism? It is the perspective that sees new technologies replacing older ones.
2-What is a media ecosystem?- thesuggestion that different media text resemble organisms in an ecosystem, and that the dominant organism was TV, they all inteact with one another and take many shapes and forms, similar to the way that you describe and actual ecosystem.
3-What is narrow casting?-Narrowcasting involves aiming media messages at specific segments of the public defined by values, preferences, or demographic attributes. Also called niche marketing or target marketing.
4-What is the difference between the internet and the web?-the internet-It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services. Whilst mistakebly people confuse this with the definition of the web. It is a traffic that runs through the internest tracking and signalling.
5-What is the push and pull medium?- The push and pull medium, seoerates how nedia is consumed by audiences, push mediums are those that allow the broadcasting to be 'force fed' to you, whilst the pull medium is more interactive and nothing is available to you unless you select it.
6-What is the positive aspect of blogging?- that it promotes ideas and cultural products, it allows people to put forward there ideas. Anyone can be a journalist or publish a form of media, it allows really articulate and creative people to get their ideas and products forward for display to the world.

I have chosen the subject of GAMING for my case study becausing it is one of the highest developing industries at the current time.
A wikipedia article states that: Once a niche market and considered by some as a curiosity in the mid-1970s, the computer and video game industry took in about USD$9.5 billion in the US in 2007 (ESA annual report).
The modern
computing world owes many modern computing innovations to the game industry. The following computing elements owe their lineage and development to the game industry:
Sound cards: developed for addition of digital-quality sound to games. Later improved for music and audiophiles.
Graphics cards and 3D graphic accelerators: were developed for graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and games. GUIs drove the need for high resolution, games drove 3D acceleration. They also gave one the opportunity to use SLI or CrossFire graphics cards, or two graphics cards in one computer.
CD ROM drives: were developed for mass distribution of media in general, however games use is probably instrumental in driving their ever higher speeds.
Unix: developed, in part, so that the programmers could play a space traveling game.In addition, many of the higher powered personal computers are purchased by gamers who want the fastest equipment to power the latest cutting-edge games. Modern games are among the most demanding of applications on PC resources, so the latest hardware is often targeted at this sector likely to purchase and make use of the latest features. Thus, the inertia of CPU development is due in part to this industry whose applications demand faster processors than traditional applications.

MAIN RESOURCES FOR IMFORMATION: is the imagine games network which is a webiste that focuses on the multimedia news of video gaming.

http://www.n4g,com/ is similar and is the news for gamers, that is an archive of blogs and posts that focus on relevent news for gaming.

I will also be reading articles from the Independent and the Guardian. Using their online articles and from the papers.

It is also essential that i research into major meda company websites that fund or produce gaming such as: